Thursday 4 December 2014

Essay Practice. 'How important are stars for US and UK film producers?'

Stars are important as:

  • Film stars are guaranteed to make producers a huge profit. US Film stars such as Tom Cruise, Will Smith and Adam Sandler all return a profit of over $100 million minimum every film therefore producers can make a film which nessecarily might have a poor narrative or lack of real film quality, however because these stars are in the film, the films make a profit. For example, Adam Sandler in 'Grown Ups' returned a profit of $162,001,186 even though the budget for the film was only $40million. This demonstrates how films that critics hate, can still make a huge return in the box office.
  • British Film Stars such as Colin Firth is a brilliant example of the success of british film stars such as in "Love Actually" and most renowned for his role as King George VI in 'The King's Speech". The appeal of the monarchy which was able to appeal to both of the film industries such as the American obsession with the 'British Monarchy' as well as well as the fan base of Colin Firth. This is a marketing technique as audiences want to see the stars based that they like the star instead of going to see the film on the basis of the appeal of the film's storyline.
  • Iconic Classics such as the first Star Wars don't have major film stars but one of the best trilogy ever to have been produced. 
  • Other Factors to consider is that emergence of CGI and other special effects attract huge audiences. An example is Avatar. This film had a budget of $237,000,000 and in the US it grossed $760,507,625. This film had no major stars and its appeal came from the CGI. Other films inclue
  • It is also important to consider the role of the director, i.e. is the director a master in his field (Scorsese, Spielberg,Nolan) therefore films which have brilliant directors, they can market their films on the basis of the strength and popularity of the director and less importantly on the star.

Arguably, the stars are the most important factor of a successful film for US and UK film producer. Whereas there are other factors which contribute to the success of a film, film stars are incredibly important for film producers.
US Film Stars such as Adam Sandler proves that his importance for a film producer as in film which Adam Sandler  features in, on average he returns a $100 million profit even though the films in he is in, the critics hate the films. An example of Adam Sandler's successful film "Grown Ups" (2010) returned a profit of $270million worldwide which is a huge return in comparison the budget of the film ($40million). This demonstrates that producer don't necessarily need a film that has narrative or storyline, as long as they can market the film on on the basis of the appeal of the star instead of the reality of the film. Other Actors such as Tom Cruise are guaranteed a $50 million retrn

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